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Elementary Education

Kunming International Academy’s Elementary School is a pre-junior kindergarten through fifth grade school, providing quality education for 150 students from over 15 countries.

The school has eight classroom teachers, 10 teacher assistants, as well as teachers for counseling, Chinese, library, music, physical education, art, learning differences, and English Language Learners. All students have the opportunity to attend computer classes weekly and each classroom is equipped with a computer station and projectors that are connected to the internet.

The rigorous curriculum comes from the United States of America along with a quality Singapore Math program. Students take MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessments in reading, language arts, and math, three times a year. Our school health nurse provides quality care for all our teachers, staff, and students. All students are involved in a Learning Service Project in the spring. This is an opportunity for them to give back to the community. Elementary students have the opportunity to become involved in a number of after school activities including, reading club, soccer, French class, drama, roller blading, Lego Club, ballet and orchestra for fifth graders.